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Who witnessed the selection of GO?

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 3:01 pm
by Rascal
I was told of the process of the selection of the GO. I was not there. It is my understanding it was at 4AM under Holy Ghost direction. Great! Who can enlighten us?

Re: Who witnessed the selection of GO?

Posted: August 4th, 2014, 7:04 am
by darylscook
Rascal wrote:I was told of the process of the selection of the GO. I was not there. It is my understanding it was at 4AM under Holy Ghost direction. Great! Who can enlighten us?

You are talking about the meeting of the General Presbyters and the International Presbytery. One of them will have to answer. They were the only ones at that meeting. And considering they could never come to a One Accord agreement with any of the 5 finalists, it probably took the Holy Ghost to help them.

But, I was at the Assembly General Session when Bro. Clements was introduced for His acceptance by the International Assembly. Honestly, I was one who was not excited (ok, upset) about the possibility and then probability (when he wasn't one of the GPs reconfirmed) that he would be the one presented as the recommendation for GO. But, when he was presented and then we were asked to stand being for and then against his selection, I could really feel that God did this. He was the man God wanted.

I believe God directed this! There was no dramatic scenes during the confirmation, but a strong sense that God took care of us!

Bro. Daryl

I'm a witness

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 11:11 pm
by Pastor Gary
I was in the selection meeting and was part of the process. It was 11:20 PM Sunday evening -- not 4 AM -- and I personally attest it was a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit.